SHOP LINK: http://www.whirled.com/#shop-l_5_4464
My first official avatar! It has actions for speech, states for sleep and coolest of all... chat-triggered emotes! Here is a list of emotes that trigger actions:
- XD
- lol
- xD
- hehe
- haha
- *laughs*
- O_O
- O.O
- o.o
- o_o
- O,O
- o,o
- :o
- :O
- D:
- yay
- :D
- yay!
- hooray
- ;_;
- T_T
- :(
- ):
- :'(
- >:(
- grr
- grrr
- argh
- ...
- *facepalms*
- facepalm
- :)
- (:
- ^^
- ^_^
Special thanks to Conrad500, Aduros, Version 2.0, The Cosmic Cheese, Shango and anyone I may have forgotten for help with coding and general questions! These guys rock!
Keep a close watch, more avatars will be coming soon!